Tuesday, 1 August 2017

The challenges of unemployment in the country

Unemployment is a social and economic problem that most countries are facing today. The situation is made worse in a society such as Nigeria that abhors poverty but glorifies materialism with less emphasison hard work. 

This social malaise no doubt is caused by many factors with population explosion as one of the major causes of unemployment. 

Nigeria has the largest population in Africa with over one hundred and seventy million people. Out of the number, more than fifty percent are within the labour force of the country. This implies a serious pressure on the few available job opportunities. 

Also, Nigeria academic curricula from primary school to secondary school level which are geared mainly towards theoretical rather than practical education exacerbates the problem of unemployment. 

As a result, prospective job-seekers are not relevant to the various endeavours in the public life where they seek employment. 

In order words, many graduate of high schools have no place in the economy because they do not have any skill to offer for exchange. 

The course of study is another factor that reduces the prospects of employment for fresh job-seekers in the country. Some of then suffer from incurable aversion to practical or entrepreneurial ventures which require application of skills. 

It is interesting that the government in recent times has begun a new emphasis on technical and entrepreneurial education which encourages self reliance and new approach to the challenges of unemployment in the country. 

Fresh graduates and other job-seekers should embrace the trend as white collar jobs where people will just sit under air conditioned offices,do little or nothing and get paid are in short supple or not available. 

Some times, employers of labour are not helping matters as they offer jobs to people based on certain prejudice such as ethnicity, sex,religion,family,bribery and political affiliation. 

Unemployment in Nigeria is indeed growing at an alarming rate. Many of the youthful population out of frustration, have been forced into criminal activities such as internet fraud(yahoo yahoo), armed robbery, kidnapping, pipeline vandalism,political thuggery, and other despicable crime for a living. 

But it is not right for the youths to see crimes as a way of getting back society which has failed to give them an opportunity for a better life. 

Government should therefore, ensure that the agencies responsible for addressing the issue of unemployment carry out their work creditably. Also, the federal and state government 
should restructure the academic curricula to suit the demand of the present day economy.

Young graduates should learn to apply their knowledge and talents to productive ventures as a way of overcoming unemployment. 

Again, loans and credits should be made available for young graduates who wants to start up smale scale businesses. 

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