Friday, 6 October 2017

Slay mamas!! Meet The ‘Giraffe Like’ Women Of Padaung Tribe In Burma

In the heart of Burma, Myanmar, lies a Padaung tribe, a subgroup of the Karenni, where the women wears massive long string on their necks as way of showcasing their beauty.

According to them, the beauty of a woman lies in the length of her neck. There you find several women moving like Ostrich of Giraffes, giving the tribes women a nick name – "the Giraffe women".

These women in the picture with long necks are from Padaung tribe. The word “Padaung”, in the Shan anguage means “long neck”. The coils around their necks are actually made from brass and gold alloy.

These women start wearing the coils as early as 5 years old, and as they get older, they add up more coils to their necks. What a hilarious thing to do, It’s like spending long years of your life having something around your neck. Aarghh…I just can’t imagine if I were to be one of those women.

Others may see it as a weird thing to do but to them, having long neck is the symbol of wealth, position and beauty. Apart from being a beauty tradition, it is also said that many myths or histories lie behind the long-neck custom.
Some said that wearing brass coils around necks in the past functioned to protect Padaung women from tigers, as they bite people’s necks.

Others claim that it made them resemble the myth dragon, but it is also claimed that long necks were intended to make them look less attractive, hence they are likely to be taken as slaves in the past.

Ironically, today’s Padaung women who still practise the coils wearing tradition tend to have long necks to preserve the tradition, and to look more beautiful!

Padaung children wearing the coils
View more photos;
Padaung women

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