Sunday 9 July 2017

10 amazing health benefits of onions you need to know

Onion is a monocotyledonous plant allied to garlic used as vegetable and spice. 

Onions are an aromatic that is used as the base for many recipes and help food reach their true flavor potentials. 

Just like many people can never do without adding onion in every food they eat, some people don’t even like seeing the spice in their meals talk more of eating it.

Hello dearies, here are the top 10 amazing reasons why you should never run away from eating onions.

1. Healthy skin: Onions is important because it helps in maintaining a healthy skin.

2. Improved immunity: Onions contain both vitamin c and phytochemicals that increase the effectiveness of vitamin c in your body. That is it makes your immune system strong and healthy.

3. Prevents diabetes: Studies have shown that combination of biotin and chromium helps regulate blood sugar and reduce insulin resistance. Biotin has many positive impacts on your health, one of which is combating symptoms associated with type 2 diabetes.
4. Prevents cancer: Onion is a spice that is very rich in quercetin (a flavournol found in fruits, vegetables, leaves and grains) thus are a powerful weapon in fighting cancer.

5. Lowers cholesterol: Raw onion promotes HDL (high-density lipoprotein) which is the good cholesterol you need to stay healthy.

6. Brightens the eyes: This may sound weird to some people who have not tried it but it really works. Why do many people like eating raw onion? It is because they know its’ health benefits. Onions contain vitamin A which helps to brighten the eyes.

7.  Anti-inflammatory: Onions have anti-inflammatory properties which helps to fight joint pain and artrithis. It is therefore good that we should always seek out for food with anti-inflammatory properties.

8. Bone density: Studies have also proven that menopausal women who always include onions int their diet or food had a 20% lower risk of health disease.

9. Onions helps to relieve stress: Surprisingly, quercetin (the flavournol found in plant pigment) helps protect your body against stress. During times of prolonged stress, quercetin restrains the enzymes that produces cortisol. Cortisol is produced when you are stressed out and too much of it can cause damage to muscle tissue and protein breakdown in the body.

10. Digestion:  Onions are high in fibre, which is good for maintaining a healthy and regular digestive system.

Now you see the reason why we should always incorporate onion into our diets or food and also munch raw onions. I hope this article really educated you.    

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